
your daily dose of enlightenment

I’m Yolanda, and I’m a workaholic. But after two decades of grinding in frenetic cities, like New York, I escaped the rat race to lead a more holistic lifestyle. Today, I spend more of my days doing what I love – creating, staying physically active, and cultivating positive relationships. I feel more centered and fulfilled than I ever did before. And, now, I want to help you step off the hamster wheel, too.

If you are in search of greater balance – physically, mentally, or spiritually – stop by the bodhi bar for a daily dose of enlightenment. Make it your companion on a journey to awakening your infinite potential – so you can create a home that is more harmonious with nature, nourish your mind and body, and discover daily rituals that unlock greater productivity.

my content & commitments to you

My source of inspiration for this website is the Bodhi tree, the expansive fig tree under which Buddha received enlightenment. The Bodhi tree, known for its distinctive heart-shaped leaves, is a widely recognized symbol for inner peace, happiness, prosperity, and longevity. All of the content on the bodhi bar reflects these four central themes. In addition, I make these four promises to you, my readers:


I’m no Marie Kondo, but I might be one of her distant cousins. I think it’s amazing what a clutter-free environment can do for the body and mind, so I keep purchases to a minimum. I make exceptions here and there, but if using or looking at a product doesn’t spark joy within me, I generally won’t buy it. I won’t recommend that you do either. That’s a promise.

championing individuality

I have never been one to follow a crowd. I believe that individuality should be celebrated, and I try to maintain mine no matter how busy life gets. Unique small businesses make me very happy – especially ones that offer hand-crafted rather than mass-produced products. I promise to share my best discoveries with you. Please fill me in on your favorites as well!

clean ingredients & materials

I’m that lady at Whole Foods scanning barcodes into her Healthy Living app. Don’t get me wrong, looks matter. But, to me, what’s inside counts the most. Whatever I’m shopping for, I strive to avoid chemicals/additives, man-made materials, and anything made cheaply abroad. So, you can expect most of the products I discuss to meet these three important criteria.

holistic living simplified

Life is full of commitments, but most important is the one we make to ourselves. In leading a holistic lifestyle, I make time for self care, so that I can be at my best in caring for my family. Wellness rituals, one-of-a-kind experiences, and (yes) occasional gratifying splurges keep me operating at full capacity. If a product, service, or habit has worked for me, I’ll let you in on the secret.

a friendly reminder

I am not an expert or qualified to give medical advice. I am just a passionate consumer who has done a lot of research and hopes that what she has learned can help others. When making any lifestyle changes, it is always best to do your own research and consult your healthcare provider.